Ancaman Serangan Bom Palsu Menuntut Bitcoin Dikirim Melalui Email Ke Banyak Perkantoran
Pada hari Kamis (13/12/2018), sejumlah gedung perkantoran, sekolah, dan gedung pemerintahan di seluruh Amerika Serikat, Selandia Baru, dan Kanada mendapatkan bahaya bom melalui kiriman email, yang berisi peringatan tentang bomb akan diledakkan kalau mereka tidak mau membayar $ 20.000 dalam bentuk Bitcoin ke alamat yang sudah di tentukan. Pesan tersebut menyebabkan kekacauan nasional serta memaksa penyelamatan luas.
Saat ini Penegak aturan di seluruh Amerika Serikat, Kanada, Selandia Baru, dan Australia pribadi melaksanakan penyelidikan terhadap puluhan email bahaya bom palsu tersebut.
Banyak pihak kepolisian yang melaksanakan penyelidikan ke gedung - gedung perusahaan yang diancam dan mereka menyakatan bahwa hal tersebut hanyalah hoax.
Semua email yang telah di teridentifikasi sangat mirip, hanya terjadi perbedaan pada alamat bitcoin dan juga jenis peledak yang di gunakan. Berikut yaitu salah satu salinan email acaman tersebut.
My man carried a bomb (Hexogen) into the building where your company is located. It is constructed under my direction. It can be hidden anywhere because of its small size, it is not able to damage the supporting building structure, but in the case of its detonation you will get many victims.
My mercenary keeps the building under the control. If he notices any unusual behavior or emergency he will blow up the bomb.
I can withdraw my mercenary if you pay. You pay me 20.000 $ in Bitcoin and the bomb will not explode, but don’t try to cheat -I warrant you that I will withdraw my mercenary only after 3 confirmations in blockchain network.
Here is my Bitcoin address : 1GHKDgQX7hqTM7mMmiiUvgihGMHtvNJqTv
You have to solve problems with the transfer by the end of the workday. If you are late with the money explosive will explode.
This is just a business, if you don’t send me the money and the explosive device detonates, other commercial enterprises will transfer me more money, because this isnt a one-time action.
I wont visit this email. I check my Bitcoin wallet every 35 min and after seeing the money I will order my recruited person to get away.
If the explosive device explodes and the authorities notice this letter:
We are not terrorists and dont assume any responsibility for explosions in other buildings.
NYPD dan beberapa departemen kepolisian lainnya telah memperingatkan sedang maraknya bahaya peledakan bom yang kirim melalui email dan meminta tebusan. Bahkan pihak kepolisan juga turun ke lokasi ancaman, akan tetapi tidak di temukan apa-apa. Dalam cuitan akun info twitter NYPD menyampaikan bahwa hal ini dilakukan semata untuk menciptakan kekacuan dan mencari uang.
At this time, it appears that these threats are meant to cause disruption and/or obtain money. We’ll respond to each call regarding these emails to conduct a search but we wanted to share this information so the credibility of these threats can be assessed as likely NOT CREDIBLE.— NYPD NEWS (@NYPDnews) 13 Desember 2018
Sumber Refrensi: thehackernews dan techspot Sumber